So at lunch I re-watched the old classic Mighty car mods how to build a zombie apocalypse vehicle.
So, they, and everyone else starts my painting the car flat back. Why? What can or can’t zombies see, I’m thinking with their brains reduced to the most primitive function of feed feed feed, want more brains they are more like a primitive animal than a human. What is their color perception like. Do you need camo? Are they more like a T-rex in that they react to movement, smell and sound rather than actual color? Could you have a pink hello kitty zombie apocalypse vehicle, or a nice variations of blue camo? Flat black is so played out and 20th century. The apocalypse will be a 21st century thing. Can’t we get with the times?
in the modern zombie era, its acceptable to have glossy paint, so long as you also have a snowplow
I don't know why, but it seems people think tiger striped rattle can jobs are somehow "rugged" and "badass" looking.

It is seemingly the first step when turning your XJ into a real rockcrawler (mall crawler) around these parts. After the crap paint it gets a roof basket and a pallet full of LED light bars 
I think it just looks like poo.
heck, even look-at-me yellow is acceptable. You can do whatever you want, so long as you control enough firepower
T-rex actually had pretty good eyesight, unlike the depiction in Jurassic Park 1.
As far as I can tell it's a combination of being rugged/badass looking and being easy to repair...generally it seems most zombies react more to sound, smell and movement, you don't see a lot of movies or games where they're spotting people in the distance (the Smoker and Charger zombies from the L4D series being the only exceptions), and again in most the heroes usually have to make themselves obvious to get a zombie's attention, so there isn't much of an advantage to different color choices.
So paint doesn't make much of a difference but a hybrid would be good for quiet, odorless driving (and a little more range between fuel raids).
Any good Photo shoppers on here? How about a Zombie apocalypse Hello Kitty pink RR?

4cylndrfury wrote:
in the modern zombie era, its acceptable to have glossy paint, so long as you also have a snowplow
That's pretty much all that you need right there.
It's been postulated that in the post ZA world, it won't be the Zeds you should worry about as much as your fellow "survivors". Some of whom might not be great people....
KyAllroad wrote:
It's been postulated that in the post ZA world, it won't be the Zeds you should worry about as much as your fellow "survivors". Some of whom might not be great people....
That makes sense. How about a sport bike or dual-sport you can (hopefully) just outrun everyone?
David S. Wallens wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
in the modern zombie era, its acceptable to have glossy paint, so long as you also have a snowplow
That's pretty much all that you need right there.
Agreed. The other zombies will assume that that Undead Dale Sr. is driving and give him a wide berth.
David S. Wallens wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
It's been postulated that in the post ZA world, it won't be the Zeds you should worry about as much as your fellow "survivors". Some of whom might not be great people....
That makes sense. How about a sport bike or dual-sport you can (hopefully) just outrun everyone?
My ideal ZAV is a well stocked yacht.
10/21/16 2:38 p.m.
So I sort of get the idea that ZA is a rough shorthand for when civilization collapses, like 2008 but way worse, and there is no food, and there is a lot of looting, whatever.
But people all understand that zombies are pretend, right? I mean, why would you, in all seriousness, do anything so specifically targeted at a threat which is completely fictitious?
Maybe I am just missing the point.
HappyAndy wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
It's been postulated that in the post ZA world, it won't be the Zeds you should worry about as much as your fellow "survivors". Some of whom might not be great people....
That makes sense. How about a sport bike or dual-sport you can (hopefully) just outrun everyone?
My ideal ZAV is a well stocked yacht.
We're on the same page. I was thinking of an off-shore oil rig. I like the yacht, too. Container ship? Floating Walmart?
I've said for a long time, this is my idea of the perfect ZAV:

Armored, room to sleep, large fuel tanks and gun portholes. Perfect.
David S. Wallens wrote:
HappyAndy wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
It's been postulated that in the post ZA world, it won't be the Zeds you should worry about as much as your fellow "survivors". Some of whom might not be great people....
That makes sense. How about a sport bike or dual-sport you can (hopefully) just outrun everyone?
My ideal ZAV is a well stocked yacht.
We're on the same page. I was thinking of an off-shore oil rig. I like the yacht, too. Container ship? Floating Walmart?
My ideal situation is many, many barges, linked together, some with fertile soil, some with solar arrays, some with water filtration units, some with living quarters, etc. Soil for food, solar for power for the living get the idea. Set up in a large lake or maybe in the gulf.
I had also thought it might make sense to use a shipping container dock for a last stand - use the containers for defense (Can be stacked quite high) and shelter, use the contents to survive, and a dock is going to have water cover on at least part of the perimeter. Would take time to set up, but with some luck, and the right folks on hand, could be practical.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
water isn't necessarily safe. Have you not read World War Z?
Bobzilla wrote:
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
water isn't necessarily safe. Have you not read World War Z?
I have not, but its on the list....Im currently in book 3 of the Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinctionseries (meh, but Ive gotten this far, soooo...).
I was following more along tunas lines of "fall of civilization", not "walking dead".
gotcha... fall of civilization would be worse because they can work boats.
Honestly, I think in that scenario being rural and working a community together would be the way to go. We as mankind have proven that we can survive best when working with our fellow man. GEtting a like minded group would be the best way to go. Some to farm, some to scrounge, some to repair, some to defend etc.
edit: also, WWZ is a fantastic book. its very hard to put down. I've read it 3 times to date. Just a great way to tell the story.
tuna55 wrote:
Maybe I am just missing the point.
The person who denies it is always the first to be feasted upon.
10/21/16 3:23 p.m.
Small, unpopulated island. Bring rabbits, let them do as rabbits do. Meat. Basic farming. Done.
I read a zombie novel where they painted a tank pink, hooked up a loud PA system to it and just ran over crowds of undead. Not the best book, but sometimes you need the literary equivalent to a KitKat.
Don't forget they make small diesel outboards. We don't see them a lot here.
In an apocalypse scenario (Zombie or not) a car would be a terrible idea. You'd need clear roads, which in any sort of major emergency is probably not going to happen. You'll get giant gridlock from people leaving city centers which will become permanent as people abandon cars and flee on foot.
Best bets would be something that can go on narrow trails (dirt bike, horse) or can just circumvent things entirely (boat, airplane). I think if you could get you hands on a blimp, that would be the best possible. Up in the air floating over everything. Be able to fall asleep and not worry.
Zombie Apocalypse Blimp. ZAB... I like it.
I'm thinking something like a nuclear submarine would be ideal, but I suppose that idea presents a few complications. Not the least of which, actually finding one to begin with.
Failing the sub, I think my XJ would suffice. I'd like some extra fuel capacity, but it's rugged, nimble enough for what it is, capable of potentially skirting around road blockages off to the side, and there should be an abundance of parts donors. And last but not least, I'll soon be adding this:

Might even hook it up to a light too