This wasn’t supposed to be documented. Run down to VA Saturday with dusterbd13, drive van back from grm’er. Cake. Michael’s truck killed many parts so that never happened. Knowing this, i reserved a uhaul car trailer for this morning and took the day off.
pulled off the shoulder of the ohio turnpike about 35 minutes ago after a tire exploded with flames shooting out of the brake drums. Way to maintain your fleet, guys. Waiting for the call back for eta for help, and i was supposed to be in VA at 4 so i could turn and burn and be home by 11. So much for that well laid plan.

Wheel discolored from fire. Unfortunately it put itself out.
They sent my service request to a guy in columbus, if you know anything about ohio i am by youngstown. Not close. They told him i needed a tire and not about the brakes being on fire. If I didn’t have satellite radio in the truck and internet on my phone i’d have boiling blood.
We are cursed.
I misunderstood the text.
Holy crap!
That was a rough weekend..... everybodys E36 M3 was breaking.
2 hours sitting, roadside assistance told me 2 more plus repair time if they can fix it on the roadside. They gave me the option to ditch it, call customer service for refund, and go on my merry way. After 20 minutes on hold with customer service they put in for full refund, not picking up anything today.
Going to see if i can get a friend to go with me and just drive it home, this is stupid.

Peace out uhaul never going to see a dime from me in the future
Thats the reason I own my own truck trailer and tow dolly.
I’ve had some terrible equipment from uhaul. If there are any other options I stay away. Sorry you had them waste so much of your time.
Professor_Brap said:
Thats the reason I own my own truck trailer and tow dolly.
I sold my trailer because being able to say “i’ll be there in 30 minutes with cash and a trailer” got me into trouble about 40 times.
Rented a box trailer from them 12 or so years ago and was going from Chillicothe/C-bus to western MD.
Trailer had dry rotted tires. We made it to Zanesville on tire 1. Their roadside assistance wasnt familiar with interstate 70.
. Took a lot of time to talk the idiot through that one. They sent someone from Cleveland with a spare, which took 4.5 hours. Spare was dry rotted as well. (notably, they showed up in a REALLY REALLY clapped out cherokee covered in filth wearing sleaveless shirts) That tire made it to Morgantown, WV. This failure was in the middle of the night. Took another 3 hours to get another spare from some place local.
In the end, they said they were being charitable giving up 50% off from the trip, justified with "well, you eventually did make it".
I have a friend who briefly had a U-Might-Be-Able-To-Haul franchise.
He got tired of the headaches caused by the junk equipment very quickly.
Apexcarver said:
Rented a box trailer from them 12 or so years ago and was going from Chillicothe/C-bus to western MD.
Trailer had dry rotted tires. We made it to Zanesville on tire 1. Their roadside assistance wasnt familiar with interstate 70.
. Took a lot of time to talk the idiot through that one. They sent someone from Cleveland with a spare, which took 4.5 hours. Spare was dry rotted as well. (notably, they showed up in a REALLY REALLY clapped out cherokee covered in filth wearing sleaveless shirts) That tire made it to Morgantown, WV. This failure was in the middle of the night. Took another 3 hours to get another spare from some place local.
In the end, they said they were being charitable giving up 50% off from the trip, justified with "well, you eventually did make it".
Morgantown must eat tires. I have had two blow outs there.
In reply to Professor_Brap :
79's expansion joints are pretty brutal.. (or at least were back then, havent been that way in a few years)
Apexcarver said:
In reply to Professor_Brap :
79's expansion joints are pretty brutal.. (or at least were back then, havent been that way in a few years)
Less than a year ago, 1 year old tire at the time.

Bbq heals lots of emotional wounds.
Ended up at summit racing and struck out on the clearance racks.
Wow. I missed all of this yesterday!
Hell of a day.
Edit: A humorous thought... You entered the Ohio Turnpike (toll road) with a trailer which costs extra. But, when you exited the toll road (which is where you pay) you had no trailer. Did they charge you the extra?
In reply to John Welsh :
No idea i have ezpass and it hasn’t posted yet
I was issued full refund this morning and now have a $30 credit. Wonder if they have anything for $30
ninja edit: certificate good toward purchase or rental. So i’ll drop in one of their locations with stuff and see what $30 gets me.
I trailered my first challenge car from PA to Gainesville and back with a uhaul trailer no issues. Sorry this thread needed at least one positive review.
After no friends could drive me down, did maths, will come out ahead renting a E36 M3box mirage at 40mpg and no trailer tolls. Tuesday has an “economy” car reserved at enterprise for a 1 way rental, so i can drive purchase back. I have to work Wednesday and won’t be leaving back for home until 5:30 or so, which should get me home around midnight.
Third time’s a charm? That or i’m stuffing a rag in the gas filler and walking away as it blows up hollywood style
John, $2.00 class 1 discounted ezpass fare posted to my account. Ohio is dumb and requires a different ezpass for each class(and with my truck and combos of trailers i would need a 1, 2, and 3) where other states actually have the technology to identify and charge accordingly, so I don’t know if i’m running afoul of anyone using my class 1 ezpass with a trailer here or not. I used to put it in the console for ohio with trailer and pay cash but their things started picking it up and charging me on top of pulling a ticket and using cash, so i just decided last trip to leave it on the window and see what happened. I generally try and avoid the turnpike with a trailer anyway because the tolls are hell, but it’s a much safer drive with a trailer than trying to negotiate some of the mountains on 30 heading through PA
In reply to Patrick :
In slow motion, full swagger.
In reply to Patrick :
Interesting about the class requiring different passes.
I had an original ez pass account through Indiana who had it long before Ohio I now have 3 passes through Indiana. Their terms and methods of reload are more favorable than Ohio.
0900 go to pick up reserved economy car, given Chrysler pacifica instead. Knock down 30mpg for 6 hours, seller(failboat) picks me up at enterprise by his house at 4:12. On road home by 4:37. What a fun little vehicle. I stopped at Ollie’s in cumberland md for glass cleaner because windshield is dirty and i am driving into the sunset

Currently having dinner in somerset pa before i hit the turnpike