Looking for an inexpensive entry to Porsche ownership? Try an early Boxster.
More often than not, we don't get to keep tabs on our previous cars. Luckily, we still get to see our former Boxster S from time to time.
Want more on-track footage of our 2001 Porsche 986 Boxster S? We got you covered.
Interested in getting a 986 Boxster? Here's everything you need to know about it, from what it's like to own to how it performs on the track.
Before we reattach the transmission to our Porsche 986 Boxster, we replaced the original dual-mass flywheel with an aluminum flywheel from Spec.
The brakes on our Porsche 986 Boxster looked tired. To clean them up, we asked Tim McNair of GP Conours Restoration how to get them concours-ready.
The IMS Bearing is known to fail in higher mileage Porsche Boxsters like ours. To avoid any costly repairs, we talked to Sean Mickle from Nort Northam Collection to find …
You've detailed the exterior, the interior and even the engine bay, but do you know what separates a detailed car from a fully detailed car? How about clean wheel wells?
If you know what to measures to take, owning a high-mileage German sports car like our 2001 Porsche Boxster S isn't that scary.
Our Boxster presented well, but it still needed help. We called in Tim McNair of Grand Prix Concours Preparation to help us get our Boxster's looks back up to snuff.
Nort Northam taught us what to look for when looking for a Boxster.
Meet Porsche Classic and Nort Northam, two partners who will be instrumental in helping us make our project dreams a reality.
With prices for early Boxster reaching rock-bottom, we knew that now was a good time to get one for ourselves.