Amphicar articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Amphicar News

Keeneland Concours: horsepower and speed–our top 10

What do you get when you host a concours on the grounds of a famed horse track? An eclectic mix of some of the finest vehicles ever made.

The top cars from the 2023 Keeneland Concours

Which cars took top honors during the 2023 Keeneland Concours? Find out here.

Visit Disney, Get Driven Into a Lake

Now you can experience an Amphicar without having to buy your own.

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Amphicar articles

Features: Driving an Amphicar is a classic car experience like few others

It’s a boat! It’s a car! It’s an Amphicar: Jet Age styling–look, it has tail fins–with the ability to traverse bodies of water and motor about.

Features: #TBT: Does the Amphicar actually succeed at being a car and a boat?

We get our feet wet with the unique German Amphicar

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Nissan Frontier V.S. Toyota Tacoma
FS:4cycle White Chassis,kart stand, extra bodywork
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2012 Victory Kart W/ Briggs and Stratton 206
FT/FS: 2006 Mazda 5 (5 speed Manual) Get your The Millenium Falcon!

Amphicar Readers' Rides

Aug 17, 2021 by Jake
1901 Amphicar asdfasd


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