fuel articles, project cars, conversations, and more

fuel News

In the September Issue: Why Not Avgas?

Why not run aviation fuel in your classic?

More fuel News

fuel articles

News and Notes: How to keep carbon deposits out of your engine | Fuel Facts

What causes carbon deposits, and how do you get rid of them? We're glad you asked.

News and Notes: The perils of running rich

Is running rich a waste of money? Yes, but it can also cause much bigger issues later on.

News and Notes: Fuel Facts: 93-Octane Not Enough? Solutions Exist

Is the 93-octane fuel at the pump not enough to keep your high-compression, high-boost or highly tuned car happy? Solutions exist.

More fuel Articles

fuel project car updates

How to choose the right fuel for a race engine?

Our Mustang is so close to starting that we can taste it. But before we could fire it up, we needed something: fuel.

We turned to the

fuel Forum Topics

Securing Baffles In A Plastic Fuel Tank
Fuel tank bulkhead connectors
Learn me replacement fuel lines for really obscure car (flare types questions)
Let's talk about FUEL! e85, pump gas, race fuel.
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