The 2022 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix started this past weekend with the PVGP Historics at the Pittsburgh International Race Complex on July 15.
Equipped with pretty much everything you need to go vintage racing–including spares.
Sedans reign supreme in 2019
We'll be there all weekend. Come hang out and check out the Tornado Typhoon.
What’s new in vintage racing? Nearly everything: the cars, the people, the venues and the attitudes.
Allan Thom’s Alfa sedan has been around the block a few times–and has the scars to prove it. After stints in Monaco, England and Japan, it now lives stateside.
This is the story of how a book of old photos became an archive of racing history.
This Huffaker-built MGB race car is a remarkable example of what can happen when the odds aren’t given a chance to take hold.
How does Porsche’s 914/6 stack up against the golden-child 911?
After installing our engine and putting the car on the ground, we found some bad news: Our driveshaft was about two inches too short.
How could a Mustang driveshaft not …
To save weight, we decided to replace our 14-pound glass windshield with a 7-pound polycarbonate piece from Shields Windshields.
Now to install it.
[Replacing a Glass Windshield With Plastic]
An …
Before fitting the grille–it came uninstalled when we got our Mustang–we fit some heavy-duty mesh screen behind it in order to protect the radiator from debris.
We simply cut …
Now to tie together our Mustang’s electrical system and wire up the car.
We started with a Bare Bonz Race wiring kit from Ron Francis Wiring–list price is $329.95, …
MY wife's, yes WIFE'S race car. If you don't have a wife who road races, and appreciates vintage and modern sports cars, you chose wrong! Sorry...
1958 Canadian Class Sports Racer. National Champ in 1958-1959
I had so many parts left over from building my 1934 vintage race car that I decided to use the parts to build another car and perhaps my wife would …
Car deleted
Thompson Special race car. One of 4 built and raced in Seattle in 1950’s. Found next to Ray’s Auto Yard, now in storage on Whidbey Island, State of Washington. Might be for sale to …
ran at over 450mph, then parked it. LOL,,LOL Mustang
More Micro “ran when parked” Not sure what this is.