I got the set of 4-hole injectors from rslifkin last wednesday (Thanks again) and slapprd new o-rings on them for good measure. Saturday I got them installed. This was the first time I've changed injectors on a vehicle (how I've avoided it I have no idea) so I went slowly. Also, every plastic thing under the hood of a hot-running, 21 year old V8 is like glass and shatters with little provocation, so caution is advised.
I started by unbolting the throttlebody. if you unplug the 2 sensors and the IAC you can move it enough to get eh fuel rails off without screwing with the throttle, cruise control, and kickdown cables. This gave me a chance to get a good look down into the intake manifold. There's a plate on the bottom internally and the gasket between the plate and manifold is a common failure point, allowing the intake vacuum to suck in oil out of the lifter valley. I confirmed that mine isn't leaking (yet, it will sometime.) No pits of gasket, only a light oil fog, no oil puddles, and you could actually see the gasket edge still in place around the plate. SO this eliminates another (albeit unlikely) cause of my cylinder miss. Then I stuffed a rag in the intake to keep the scrunge out.

The fuel line connects to the rails on the driver side with a QC fitting that is so close tot he rail that none of my QC tools would fit in there to release it. SO I started on the passenger side. The two rails are joined by a non-replaceable plastic hose at the rear of the manifold. There's enough slack in it to work on one rail at time, but given the condition of most plastic things in the engine bay, I was nervous the entire time thinking it would just break off. Luckily it held fine. I first carefully release the fuel pressure. I did this by prying the fuel rail up off the injectors, and then cursing a lot while trying to stuff rags under the fountain of highly flammable go juice. In this photo I've got the new fuel injectors in the rail. The red caps are keeping the crud off until I can get them back in the manifold. Hitting all the fresh o-rings with just a touch of petroleum jelly made everything pop together nicely.

The driver's side was a bit more of a fight since the fuel line was still attached, but they all went together in the end. I threw a new TB gasket on and buttoned her up. The first start was ROUGH as the PCM relearned the injectors. It smoothed out quickly though. Subsequently the truck starts much quicker, runs smoother, and generally feels better - when it's not missing.
The injectors didn't solve the miss. It feels like a less severe hit when it misses now, but I think it's missing a little more frequently, and a little higher into the RPM range. Well dammit.
Since I had a new upstream O2 laying around I put it on too. It's right beside the trans about 15* off the top of the exhaust pipe, so not too bad to get to but not easy either. To break the sensor loose I started with a HOT engine, then cut the wires and slipped a 7/8" box end wrench on it. Then I laid under the front bumper and went beast mode with my foot on the wrench. It took everything I had to break loose, but it came out easily one I broke its spirit. Slapped the new one in and plugged it up. This also failed to fix the miss, but I didn't really expect it to. Still throwing codes for only a Cyl 4 Misfire.
So. Most of my "next possibilities" are items that don't match the symptoms but might, in an odd case, cause the problem. They're also all about $150-$200 per item to fix.
I called the local Jeep dealership and asked about diagnostics. For $145 they will diagnose the problem. Flat rate. IF I decide to let them do the work to repair it, they credit the entire diagnostic charge. At this point, I'm willing to pay them for diagnosis and very possibly the repair, depending on what they find. I'm dropping it off Friday before I go out of town on business for a week.
What do I think they'll find? Bad computer.
Possibly a bad crank or cam sensor.
Maybe a bad fuel pump, but that's less likely.
Also an outside chance of internal engine/valve/head issues but that would contradict some of the test results I've gotten. Still not out of the realm of possibility though.
Since I'm going to Vegas next week, anyone feel like running odds on those options?