New Reader
3/22/22 6:26 p.m.
I have to say - I went and found said thread out of sheer terror we would lose this thread and quickly read through some of the comments. I can't seem to find where things went off the rails. MKE mentioned it was off topic for a Motorsport forum and most of the rest of the commentary centered around how people are hardwired into religion or not - his opinion apparently. Somewhere folks must have found some of his comments offensive but I can seem to find them. Regardless his one comment that these threads always end badly seems to have come true.
New Reader
3/22/22 7:58 p.m.
pure speculation on my part but i think the final straw was a comment made on this thread . I know it would have set me off .
New Reader
3/22/22 11:06 p.m.
Sorry to see this closed. I learned years ago to avoid Off Topic forums at all costs. Like barber shops in the old days, the best behaved forums are ones strongly moderated against discussing sex, politics, and religion.
Nader said:
Like barber shops in the old days, the best behaved forums are ones strongly moderated against discussing sex, politics, and religion.
But in those old days, unlike today, people were able to discuss those topics without becoming uncivil and flying apart. I realize that those topics are often sensitive because our investment in them is heartfelt and unable to be argued quantitatively, but somewhere along the line we lost our ability to objectify our emotions. Our emotions are great deceivers, and unfortunately, some of us allow those emotions to rule us. I always like to point out that "I think..." is quickly being replaced with "I feel like..." "I feel like Russia shouldn't have invaded Ukraine." Really, what makes you "feel" like that as opposed to "thinking" it?
The internet makes these things worse; the anonymity and isolation afforded by the internet allows/encourages us to say things that we would not say in person and use language that we would not use in person. And once that one bold thing has been said, the race is on to make that "gotcha" post. And worse still, the internet allows us time to stew and concoct our vitriol. What a great place, right?
New Reader
3/23/22 8:50 a.m.
what's done is done .The question is can it be fixed ? MKE expended an incredible amount of effort for 91 pages of pictures and narrative that was interesting and informative .Not sure he knows how big a following he has - being an engineer he would be swayed by quantitative numbers .Perhaps a petition to continue ?
This whole situation bothered me. I reached out to all involved parties to tell them that and try to encourage a peaceful path forward. They both replied, they both seem like good people. I have no sides and no horse in this game. I also hope mke comes back. I will say that he has a very similar thread on a site that he owns so you will likely be able to see the results of this work either here or on his site. At this time I am not going to give out that site out of respect to the current site and his.
I hope that this can get resolved by a more personal means than forum posts, maybe a phone call or something. I agree the internet can get people twisted and escalate things that didn't need escalation.
dave215 said:
what's done is done .The question is can it be fixed ? MKE expended an incredible amount of effort for 91 pages of pictures and narrative that was interesting and informative .Not sure he knows how big a following he has - being an engineer he would be swayed by quantitative numbers .Perhaps a petition to continue ?
No need for a petition. It's already quantitatively proven. It's the most popular thread on the forum (as represented by votes in the Leaderboard tab)

Nah dude was basically saying we couldn't do exactly what we were doing in that thread. He made his point and was acknowledged. But then kept pushing that a thread on religion in a car forum shouldn't exist because how ingrained religion is in a persons psyche. Okay, point made, the mods and owners letting it fly. That thread is thriving with opposing views respectfully and lovingly discussing amongst each other. Something he apparently didn't approve of and kept pushing against. As if his goal was to get the thread shut down. Our stubbornness and convictions can be our own worse enemy.
Sometimes you can be a creative genius (this thread) and an shiny happy person (the other thread) all at once. But, accountability should be upheld no matter what.
Sad to see as we all want to see his progress and have been amazed by the quality of his work. Hopefully we can all lay down our swords and get this back on track. Sorry to see this happen, but seems to be the new normal.
dherr (Forum Supporter) said:
Hopefully we can all lay down our swords and get this back on track.
Beat our swords into wrenches?
In reply to yupididit :
Over the years of being on this forum, I have tried hard to keep some of the Off Topic threads in their own world away from the GRM related threads. When the discussion is about cars, my thoughts about the post participants are ONLY about cars and comments and views in non-car related threads are put out of mind. A sort of "forum amnesia" if you will. Granted, I'll admit that hasn't always been easy but since my entire life is basically lived that way, it's something I've become accustomed to doing. If I avoided interacting with everyone I disagreed with, my introverted life would be even more isolated than it is now - which is borderline unhealthy.
Loved this thread but he did sorta run into that other forum thread all Leeeeroy Jenkins style.
Feels like talk of the other thread should stay there?
tperkins said:
Feels like talk of the other thread should stay there?
100% agree. no need to pollute this thread.
A great poster, the world needs more of him and his V12
Indy - Guy said:
As far as getting MKE back? I'm not sure that'll happen.
The build documentation started on FerrariChat. When mke decided to leave (I can't recall why), that was it.
mfennell said:
Indy - Guy said:
As far as getting MKE back? I'm not sure that'll happen.
The build documentation started on FerrariChat. When mke decided to leave (I can't recall why), that was it.
I recall it from Speedtalk. Lot of automotively like minded people although there is also a lot of Small Block Chevy Uber Alles there
mfennell said:
Indy - Guy said:
As far as getting MKE back? I'm not sure that'll happen.
The build documentation started on FerrariChat. When mke decided to leave (I can't recall why), that was it.
From memory he was banned from FerrariChat for something in a political discussion, then continued on Ferrari life (? I forget, haven't visited in years), then got banned there for the same, then he set up the Gemellocattivo forum.
He didn't leave those two Ferrari forums of his own accord.
I think mke's reminder that the forum rules had been broken by multiple pages of comments is a fair point.
And while I think the illicit discussion was interesting, I do agree in principle that the topic never should have survived past the first post.
An apology seems reasonable.
Sad loss to GRM. Someone call Lana to convince him to get over it and come back.
New Reader
3/27/22 11:43 p.m.
It's really sad to see the best thread on the forum closed like this. Drop all the silly prestige and give the man an apology.
I have to say I can't blame mke for leaving.
The rule on this forum has been no religion. That rule helps to keep things civil and on point. Once the rule is broken it can be a rather frustrating experience.
If you want him back, close that thread, as should have happened in the first place and apologize to him.
Otherwise, acknowledge that the no religion rule is gone, and prepare for some fireworks and probably some more people to wander off.
Personally I'd much rather see his stuff on here.
3/28/22 9:01 a.m.
When someone finds out where the build resurfaces please post it here.
In reply to NOHOME :
Gammaboy put the forum name up a few posts ago.