Well when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. When the town gives you free fill, then you make hills.
I'm probably one of the few people on the planet that can say he really like the road crew in his town. They are good eggs.
For you urbanites, you probably don't know the concept of road ditching. Those of us with dirt roads, find that the drainage ditches on the side of the road fill with dirt over time making drainage difficult, which in turn hurts the road. So every few years, they clean the ditches of the dirt that has accumulated over time. It makes great fill if you need it. Long story short, in the span of a day, I got a new 30'x50' raised about 8', so that I can park the fleet there. The side benefit is that I could use it to expand the gator race course around the hill.
As you can tell Andrew enjoys it.
However it has complicated things. The pvc cement just isn't up to the task of resisting flex. So some cage work is necessary. You'll notice some tape on the cage, used to reinforce every thing.
You'll also notice that the GRM sticker is finally installed.
Looks great at the start where he comes into view. '4 right over crest opens - watch for gas cyl on outside don't go wide' Total comitment!
That's awesome...man, living in the "country" on dirt roads really interests me! On the other hand, I love the area we live in now, so maybe I'll move to the country when I retire in 40 years! 
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
It's actually a R3 over crest, don't cut, slippy.
I told him to go slow the first couple of times, now he turbos through the whole thing.
And Seth, I sort of live in the country. I live in a resort town. So it's the best of both worlds. Good restaurants and a fair amount of services, no traffic lights. More worried about Bears and Deer stealing stuff than I am crack addicts and other crooks. For Vermont, it's not "country", but more like very sleepy suburb. I can pee in my backyard without the neighbors overlooking, but close enough to go borrow a cup of sugar on foot.
7/22/13 9:39 a.m.
He's got that corner nailed.... clips the apex PERFECT.
In reply to sachilles:
That sounds perfect. I live in a resort town too...VA Beach...probably a little different than yours though.
I'd actually love to move to Pungo (southern VA Beach)--it's all farms and woods, but only 10-20 minutes from everything you need.
We are a ski/snowboard town in the winter and a mountain bike and kayak destination in the summer. Beer destination all four seasons.
My friend Steve Jones took this picture at the Okemo hillclimb. Absolutely love it.
There are more updates on the gator here, if you care to read them. Many honors, as well as finding out the roll cage can survive a roll.
Bump! I saw Mr. The King - formerly Blue Ridge Peal Theatre - on Craigslist yesterday, and got to thinking about the Gator. Any updates?