the 2010 black rabbit racing garage party
went off perfectly.. all my crazy friends brought out there weird and interesting cars.
an excellent afternoon of bench racing, beer
drinking and fine picnic cuisine! alot of great people and great cars... an E type, citroen DS,
Opel GT, mini cooper, MINI cooper, polski fiat
Trabant, Bitter SC, MGB v8, Jag XJ6, Dnepr w/
sidecar, 73 Celica, corolla AE86, VW corrado,
Miata, JAWA motorcycle, and probably others im forgetting were all there! great fun, Thanks to all who attended.
Twas a grand ole time. Listing the Miata is a little like listing a Camry in this case... but thanks anyway 
That looks like it was fun. More pix?
Yes, more pics please... Love the Bitter SC.
Cheers, Scott
9/13/10 5:18 a.m.
That's my kind of party
But we do need more pics.
Hi all, was there for the party, best car time over. Seemed that all the photo time that I had revolved around the Bitter, so I got several images that I wil try to post here. Great job Charlie and Marcie!
Could't upload imges, e-mail me and I will send them to you (with luck!)
If you send them to me, I'll post them up for you.
tom@classicmotorsports (dot) net
Thanks for having such a great get-together and allowing us to absorb part of your vast collection....Sorry about the wet spot!!
Thanks for having me over charlie! Next year, I'll be sure to bring something weirder then the corrado 
jaguarxj6's pics are now posted.