If you’ve read the title of this column, and you follow any of my social media feeds, you have probably already rolled your eyes back in your head far enough to cause physical pain. For the rest of you, feel free to send me a Facebook friend request, then just go ahead and preemptively block me.
Read the rest of the story
I feel like I've seen this before. And we got a repeat of the old "Is Simulated racing real racing" last week.
Is there a button that when pushed spits out old articles in addition to whatever you were trying to do?
Yes, we upload old articles to the website so everyone can enjoy them. This is the first time this column has be added to the website. Maybe you read it in the magazine when it first ran.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
1. Sit in your garage and beat on your toes with a torque wrench.
This would actually be more productive than political rants...at least you'd accomplish something.
7 > Start a Window Tinting Sign Business Salvage Yard Race support Food Truck PaddleBoard company Become a Captain and Publish an Adventure Coupon magazine 
So, by "posting political rants on social media" you mean starting forum topics about NASCAR vs F1, power vs weight, style vs performance, mid-size vs full-size trucks, manual vs auto vs dual-clutch, autox vs track days vs road racing, etc...Right?
In reply to Driven5:
Still more productive than talking politics.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
4. Label all the things!
In reply to Appleseed:
Around here, those are politics.
Driven5 wrote:
So, by "posting political rants on social media" you mean starting forum topics about NASCAR vs F1, power vs weight, style vs performance, mid-size vs full-size trucks, manual vs auto vs dual-clutch, autox vs track days vs road racing, etc...Right?
If you really are bored, go to FerrariChat and debate timing belt changes..
Devilsolsi wrote:
Driven5 wrote:
So, by "posting political rants on social media" you mean starting forum topics about NASCAR vs F1, power vs weight, style vs performance, mid-size vs full-size trucks, manual vs auto vs dual-clutch, autox vs track days vs road racing, etc...Right?
If you really are bored, go to FerrariChat and debate timing belt changes..
OK, I had to really laugh at this one. I knew a guy that had a Ferrari once, and I remember him having unreal debates about the best cloth to wipe it down with. They were deadly serious, almost to the point of a real fight. Still, there could actually have been a winner and loser in this one, no one wins in politics.
It was funny to me that they were so serious about it.
In reply to racerdave600:
I lol'd
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
Thanks for posting up the old articles/columns - I love the content.
racerdave600 wrote:
Devilsolsi wrote:
Driven5 wrote:
So, by "posting political rants on social media" you mean starting forum topics about NASCAR vs F1, power vs weight, style vs performance, mid-size vs full-size trucks, manual vs auto vs dual-clutch, autox vs track days vs road racing, etc...Right?
If you really are bored, go to FerrariChat and debate timing belt changes..
OK, I had to really laugh at this one. I knew a guy that had a Ferrari once, and I remember him having unreal debates about the best cloth to wipe it down with. They were deadly serious, almost to the point of a real fight. Still, there could actually have been a winner and loser in this one, no one wins in politics.
It was funny to me that they were so serious about it.
Reminds me of the audiophools who debate which string to suspend your speaker cables from the floor with-- cotton string sounds such and such a way, silk thread a different, hemp twine adds another element entirely.
6/13/17 10:52 p.m.
JG I've tried to like this article but some things are clear to me; first it's clear you've sold out to the man and this is an attempt to distract real and imitation Americans by getting them involved in a relaxing hobby.
Sure it works but don't think for a minute we don't know that your trying to cover up for:
The Russians trying to manipulate the steel market by building cut rate knock offs of Italian cars.
UAW rigged elections in favor of candidates who were pro worker.
The SCCA, NASA, SVRA as well as other clubs publish rules and put on events in a shameless effort to provide people with fun safe environment to race a car with your friends and then collect so called "entry fees" which they then use to run these events.
Speciality car magazines are part of a secret society known as the "free publishers" whose mission is to convince us that playing with cars is somehow OK.
Kaiser was behind the JFK assignation, payback for driving another brand of car.
Mitsubishi bombed Pearl Harbor to get out of its aircraft contract so they could concentrate on selling highly profitable AWD cars.
ET designed the Pacer.
I often come up with elaborate political rants. Only they are about Canadian politics. And I don't post them anywhere. And eventually I come to the realization that sideburns are like racing stripes for your face.
6/14/17 8:04 a.m.
But is autocross "racing"?
In reply to Jerry: hater... 
6/14/17 8:43 a.m.
This reminds me to fix my chair. The mortise and tenon came apart. The plan is to pop it back in place, drill a hole and fill it with a dowel and gorilla wood glue. I've had the supplies for over a month.
6/14/17 11:18 p.m.
Jerry have you been living under a rock or what? Everyone knows the truth about Autocross was a shame conspiracy started by two drunks in parking lot.
Back in the day Jim O'Conner & Otto Kraus, celebrating their good fortune over having scored some factory tuning parts for their NSU rally car by downing several pints of Guiness and hooning it up in a super market parking lot. This naturally drew the attention of local law enforcement.
The first officer on the scene asked "what in the name of St Peter do you think you're doing"
Jim and Otto, being totally inebriated, thought he asked for their names and attempted to reply but instead shouted Gym-Conner & Otto-cross.
Upon waking up in the drunk tank the next morning and being dragged into court it was clear some fast thinking was in order. Jim being a resourceful lad from Donnegal explained to the judge that this was a new form of motorsport called Gymkhana or Autocross. While admitting that yes they had been drinking they reminded the judge that it was private property and that they just got swept up with the excitement over their new business venture.
The judge acknowledge that this having taken place on private property meant they couldn't be charged unless the property owner chose to press charges. The judge did tell them that if this "event " did not take place he'd charge them with perjury, that he owned an Alfa and he'd be there to see for himself.
The rest is history; me aunt Mary is from Donnegal and says this was told to her by her cousin's barber's best friend.
New Reader
6/15/17 11:46 a.m.
Where I grew up you could make a life long enemy just by starting a Ford vs Chevy discussion.
More things you could do (other than kill innocent pixels with another social media political rant):
Mow the lawn
Detail your car
Detail my car 
I just stay off social media. Find that to work the best!