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thashane Reader
2/2/24 12:34 p.m.
GTwannaB said:

I was at Rennsport this summer at Laguna Seca and there is no way in hell they had a 90db cap on cars. The old stuff was quiet but the modern 911 race series were ear splitting. My watch was shooting off warnings at 130db. I think part of the problem is the newish  popularity of all these track days and races. 10-15 years ago it was just die hards and I think that track almost closed. Now every weenie with a fat wallet is on track. I read they are slated for almost 7 days a week of events at some points in the calendar weeks on end. 

There definitely are some folks who just built in the wrong spots. Go over the ridge and it is dead quiet. 

I was there for a 90db trackday the Monday before Rennsport. Saw several cars get pulled off track for popping sound. 

Highly recommend camping at the track, if I hadn't mentioned it already. 

wspohn UltraDork
2/2/24 12:56 p.m.

The municipality in which race tracks reside should register a caveat against the property withing a certain distance from the track advising that the track is there, has a noise limit they must follow and that no one who becomes an owner of property against which the caveat is registered may bring a legal action against the track owners so long as the noise limit is complied with.  The onus is then on the track to set limits and be sure that competitors follow them.  Resident complains, track sends out someone with a meter and if the car is too loud, it comes off the track.

Sadly, the time for doing that is long gone. The track was in the back of beyond when I raced there in the 1980s - they could have done it (with the compliance of local government) back then, but once people bought land and built megamansions that boat had sailed.

GameboyRMH MegaDork
2/2/24 1:20 p.m.

Just ran across this, you might be surprised to find out what the "Highway 68 Coalition" really is:


aircooled MegaDork
2/2/24 2:21 p.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH :

So.... yet another case of a very small number of people (or one person in this case) making life difficult for the vast majority of people.

Cyclone03 New Reader
2/2/24 9:26 p.m.

Isn't that Wayne Raineys neighborhood ?

thashane Reader
2/3/24 10:43 a.m.

The algorithm fed me this race, what an intense battle- 2009 GT2 Battle @laguna

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
2/3/24 11:27 a.m.

They are going to have really nasty traffic going  down Highway 68 during the Monterey Jazz Festival. Are they going to ban that too? Will there a noise limit for saxophones? What about all the other events they have in Monterey. The beach? Cannery Row? After they kill Laguna Seca, what's next. They could turn it into another Yosemite. Only so many people allowed to drive through. Make your reservations early. Property owners get a "Special Pass". 

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