Pete. (l33t FS) said:
JThw8 said:
californiamilleghia said:
How do the GIs do it when they get sent to another post across the world ?
Their employer owns very large aircraft and can transport their goods for them :)
The guys I have talked to who shifted from base to base said they would have cars they would buy for a token amount then sell when they got deployed elsewhere. Sort of like a long term rental that you are responsible for.
This is done also. My Uncle had a VW? in Iceland. Left the VW there, brought home the new wife.
dean1484 said:
AMiataCalledSteve said:
Have you considered the inverse...

I don't see any lateral support in that. One good bump or even swinging it on or off a ship will have that car resting on what ever is under it.
I suppose the walls of the container would brace it in 3 directions, there's one left though....
When I sent my VW camper to Europe it had mold / moss growing in it when I picked it up,
It was shipped from California so went thru the Panama Canal and the tropical heat and moisture ,
I am sure there is something at Home Depot you can buy that soaks up the moisture.....
We're looking at it wrong - you just need a watercraft to get you 55 miles across. Then you drive the rest.