2/12/12 10:29 a.m.
Ok this is a very open ended question. My first v8 swap went well and I just put it in the hole visually centered and made mounts. I am gearing up for next build but with a lot stronger engine. What would be the best way to set it up ? Remember only jack stands and engine hoist in garage build.
Now what are you building Stan?
2/12/12 10:51 a.m.
Turbo v8 in 240sx I have a slight vibration in my the ist one I built I changed everything still there. Trans,driveshaft,diff axles wheels. Vibration in the chasie not steering. Used factory rubber mounts.
2/12/12 10:56 a.m.
My brothers truck feels faster than my 240. We will see this spring. I want something faster.
lay down a centerline of the car to center the engine easier, just need a tape measure and string really
+needs moar ls9!
gotta get the driveshaft angles correct or you'll get vibration from u-joint misalignment.
I am not sure how true it is:
I have heard that you do not want the driveshaft to be perfectly straight. I heard you want it angled either up or down or side to side slightly or you can get a BAD vibration.
I would also not visually center the engine. I would put it as far back and as far down as possible!
What drive shaft are you using?
hmmm don't know how my CJ5 avoids driveline vibration. it has the most comically insane driveshaft angle you can imagine and it isn't all in the up-down direction either. Drives down the highway like a champ. Always has. 
Maybe a showdown between your LSx Nissan and my 5.0 Mazda this year.

It will be LT 1 but that will work
Doesnt the driveshaft angle change everyitme someone puts a lift kit or lowering springs on their car?