Been on the site for years and liked it for all the cool odd cars it came up with. Was even ok when they started up the auction part if they would have kept it separate.
Know I can hardly go on the sit without feeling disgusted with some of the stupidity on prices of some of the cars.
Yes I get the whole supply and demand or the it's only original once and the people will pay what they feel is good for them support group answers.
What I'm talking more about is the insanity of porsche people paying 100k for cars that are the same as the next one. Sorry guys but porsches aren't that exclusive for those kind of numbers. Not picking on just porsche I'm just using them as a example.
Now possible one of a kind and very low production runs of a couple hundred or less seem to be a fair reason for those kind of numbers.
Hell who know's maybe I'm just getting old and bitter and longing for the day's of fairly priced cars. Even if they were out of my price range.
Ah what ever I guess who really cares if some one wants to spend wads of cash on some old car. Sounds like a nice sentence but the problem is all the get rich quick schemers now think their rusted clapped out piece of junk ( insert any car here ) is now worth the same as that beautifully restored example or the highly maintained original example and people buy right into it. AAUUGH makes me want to pull what hair I have left out of my head.
Ok now that I have that off my chest I'll step down off the podium and see how others feel about the site. Good Bad or Indifferent.
I still generally like the site because it features a lot of cool cars and the comentary is still pretty good. I ocasionally learn something. Prices have indeed exploded though (not just air-cooled Porsche), but that is not limitted to BAT.
I'd occasionally browse it from time to time for entertainment and "the good old days" didn't last long in the grander scheme of things, within, IIRC, around 3 years of launch the prices got stupid, since then it's basically been the cool wacky cars section of the DuPont Registry. I'm not sure exactly when the comically pretentious style of writing came about either, but it wasn't always like that.
I stopped visiting it. It feels like it turned into a 24/7 Barret Jackson auction. It really took a dive when they became obsessed with anything aircooled Porsche though. That one that with the plywood wheels was one of the most insulting thing I've ever seen posted on the internet.
I understand why the owners took it in the direction they did, and I can't say that I blame them for running with it. I'd have done exactly the same thing.
Barnfinds has supplanted it for me (even then I only look at it rarely and the community isn't as robust) but it feels like BAT has really increased the value of all the claptraps out there in a similar manner as the BJ and Mecum auctions.
As someone who has sold a couple of cars on BaT...
...I do miss the original format of "I went on the Internet and I found THIS!". Usually with a comment about stance.
As for the cars I've sold, one went for exactly what you'd expect it to. The other surprised a few people with the selling price but that's where the market wanted it and I think it was justifiable. BaT supplied the platform, but it was the market that set the price.
9/5/19 3:20 p.m.
Daily Turismo still has cool cheap stuff, it's more like the old BAT.
Yup, I did like the old "look at what we found on ebay" format. But the site as it is now also seems to serve a niche that people want: an online auction that is more detailed and upscale with uniformity of picture quality/quantity and in-depth vehicle descriptions.
+1 to DailyTurismo and BarnFinds, those have interesting stuff sometimes. I'll throw in EngineSwapDepot, they highlight a lot of cool stuff and occasionally it happens to be for sale.
Dare I say it BAT has been “Barrett-Jacksonized”? Imo because something is much more expensive does not always make it better. However it’s about $$$$$ and by focusing on this upper crust segment, they must be making more $$$$ versus the old original format.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/6/19 9:22 a.m.
You know, there's another place to see interesting cars for sale online...
drainoil said:
Dare I say it BAT has been “Barrett-Jacksonized”? Imo because something is much more expensive does not always make it better. However it’s about $$$$$ and by focusing on this upper crust segment, they must be making more $$$$ versus the old original format.
Don't forget that sometimes it's good examples of cheap cars. They're not all megadollar aircooled Porsches, there's a $3500 Bugeye up right now,
In reply to Tom Suddard :
I'll occasionally put stuff on the Classic Cars for Sale forum. Never seems to get too many bites or I just have poor taste - a la the recent Mustang. 
I stopped visiting. When I go to look at cars for sale I am always entertaining a fantasy of perhaps buying one. But BAT has moved well beyond anything I could ever afford for the most part, so it has lost its appeal. And as mentioned barnfinds and daily tourismo have filled the gap anyway.
I surf Bring a Trailer daily, and believe me, I have found lots of obtainable, good deals.
Like this 2002, or this JDM-Spec C123.
I still think the specific $2XXX for sale section we had was the best. 
Definitely seemed to have plenty of traffic at one time at least. 
I don't know as I get older the nice stuff doesn't interest me any more.
The neighbor has a pretty base Cavalier two door and Grand Prix with an Accord wagon in his Aunts yard that interest me far more. 
So BAT has completely lost be because the sellers are not consistent like they used to be.
I did a 14 hour drive by to pick something up in the darn near 100K range, off BAT, only to find huge amounts of damage not described by the seller. Not the first time this has happened privately. So I turn the car down. Not a month later the car is on BAT with absolutely ZERO of the damage and misleading photographs. Everyone is fawning over the car and the seller.
Now historically if that happened the seller would be called out immediately. The owners do not allow that anymore. Someone lost their shirt on the car a the price they paid.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
What, you don't "commission" your fan belt changes?
New Reader
9/6/19 8:13 p.m.
Tom Suddard said:
You know, there's another place to see interesting cars for sale online...
Shameless self promotion. Well done.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/6/19 8:29 p.m.
You’re new here but you’ll learn quick that I’m not shy about shameless self promotion. It’s the only thing between me and having to get a real job.
Btw do you Subscribe?
I think some cars go for high $ simply because they're on BAT. But I've seen some good deals in 987 Cayman S cars on BAT.
Tom Suddard said:
You know, there's another place to see interesting cars for sale online...
This is a serious next level Canoe.
New Reader
9/7/19 9:10 a.m.
In reply to Tom Suddard :
i think the self promotion is great.
I’m a long time subscriber, first signed up at Monterey Historics in 2006 or so.