3/6/10 12:03 p.m.
Well, not exactly. I start to draw Social Security next month. Not a lot, but will certainly help. The Biggie is going to be Medicare. Not at all perfect, but much better than what we have now- nothing. See, sometimes it is good to be an old fart. First time in my life I have taken any money from the Government, not even unemployment, and it doesn't bother me a bit. Yeah, I know, I paid into SS for 40+ years and will never get a fraction back that was paid in, but still.....
Congrats on making it mostly undamaged! Now you can buy a good health insurance plan and because it's secondary coverage, it's really affordable. Enjoy!
3/6/10 3:55 p.m.
I have to do a whole lot of research into Medicare. Any suggestions on where to start?
What do you need to know? I work in health insurance....
3/6/10 4:20 p.m.
Basically everything. What doea it cover, what does it not cover. I see all kinds of ads for supplimental coverage at low or no cost, any good? Am I restricted to certain doctors/ hospitals? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
In reply to cwh:
Still better than most of us who won't see a dime back from the government when we retire. Enjoy spending my money 
congrats. I have no chance of ever seeing a penny back
3/6/10 5:24 p.m.
Nannie, nannie, boo,boo!! Now just ask me what I feel like when I get out of bed in the morning. Punk.
3/6/10 5:55 p.m.
Basically get signed up for part A and part b - skip the hmo option - on the medicare supplement side - the supplements have lettered plans - A-G IIRC - pay attention to plans C and F. Some have age-rated premiums, others are flat rate. In the long run the age-rated will cost you more - although they are cheaper to begin with.
3/6/10 6:54 p.m.
PLEASE!!! Keep the info coming. I need it. If I am spending your money, I sincerely apologize. (Not). I am spending MY money. As I said, I put in for 40+ years. In reality, I don't think SS is going away unless the Gubmint totally crashes. In that case, I'm moving to Trinidad.
The SS system has been a Ponzi scheme from day one.
You do the math.
cwh, i'll write you a novel and give you some links when i'm back in the office, ok? How long have you, or are you retired? Does your employer offer you any health coverage? That's something to take into consideration if it's a possibility, and i can help explain that a little bit.
3/6/10 8:37 p.m.
And lets not forget......

3/6/10 9:02 p.m.
Senior discount? Wow, a cheap hamburger. BFD.
3/7/10 9:55 a.m.
To 93celica- I'm self employed. The retirement party will be held at the same time as the wake. My little export company is doing OK, and we have an excellent accountant. No health insurance, no retirement benefits. And minimac- I'm in office by 8:30 every morning and have never called in sick. My morning commute- bed to bathroom, to kitchen to make the coffee, to the office. 60', max. No traffic, unless wifey is in the hall at the same time.
Check with your SS office. They are very helpfull.
When you sign up, you will also sign for part B which is Medicare, it comes out of your part. Then you will need to get a gap plan, which are fairly inexpensive. I pay $36 per month.
Then there is part D which is a drug plan.
Depending on what gap plan you sign up for will determine your choice of doctor or not.
What does your export company export?
cwh, i'm working on your email. 
As for Medicare Part D, i don't know a whole lot about it. That said, our company actually handled a large portion of it, until the program actually went belly-up. We ended up terminating our contract to administer the benefits because it was adversely affecting our member satisfaction feedback, and giving a bad name to our company. The program was so berkeleyed up. People weren't getting the prescriptions paid for, we (the government, it was ASO) owed them money that these people needed and they couldn't get it in time, the customer service calls were a nightmare because of all the problems, and the whole thing was just rushed and set up horribly.
I don't know how well it's working now. We jumped ship about a year or so ago, so somebody else will have to give input on that part of it.
3/8/10 2:24 p.m.
Digdug- We export CCTV equipment, mostly to the Caribbean islands. I do have 1 US company, and 1 in Nigeria. It is definitely a niche market, but we have been well received. I was getting old, wanted to slow down a bit. Make a few phone calls, ship a few boxes. That part did not quite work out. Never worked harder in my life. It's really mostly fun, have some great people as customers, get to take a trip every year. Been thinking about an ad in the magazine. We'll see, I do have stuff that is DIY friendly.
Are you the guy sending me all those e-mails from Nigeria?
3/9/10 8:30 a.m.
No. My Nigerian is actually a bright young engineer that appears honest. Of course I get his money before he gets my stuff. That's the way export works.