Having never been, what is worth doing and seeing while there?
Want to see the USS Midway and of course Sea World. But other than that I have no idea. Going for about 5 days.
Also interested in good places to eat.
Any recommendations?
Looking forward to having lots of fun, and a chance to get out of some spring like warm temps.
Thanks in advance.
3/23/12 6:37 a.m.
Cabrillo national monument will give you some great views overlooking the city in one direction and the vast Pacific the other direction.

3/23/12 6:47 a.m.
Not immediately in San Diego but in northern San Diego county, I would recommend a lunch at The Stone Brewery Bistro. I have been taken ther by friends and it is not only good food and good beer but a really neat place too.
I recommend a lunch because weekends and dinners are really crowded.
3/23/12 7:00 a.m.
Though you did not ask, I thought it would be worth checking back in to make a point of it...
Do not go to Tijuana, Mexico.
People think they want to go there but there is nothing there but trouble you would rather avoid.
You mentioned Sea World but San Diego has a good zoo as well.