Warning, wholesome content ahead.
Around 10PM last night my wife sees that a friend of hers posted about a cat on Facebook. Very friendly, injured back leg, came up to her back porch and was meowing, skinny, and very friendly. She couldn't take the cat in so we drove up there and grabbed her. Her leg didn't seem to be injured, more of a deformity. It's smaller than her other back leg, her foot isn't formed quite right, and it kinda dangles. So she's a tripod. Super friendly though. She was purring the whole time and let me pick her right up.

We put her in a cat carrier but I probably could have just held her on the way home while my wife drove. She was just purring and happy the whole time.

We already have three cats so we can't keep her. So we put her in our bathroom with a litter box and some food and water (which she almost immediately helped herself to) and hissed a bit at the smell of our cats but then calmed down. Now she's just chilling in there relaxing on some blankets. Once we get home from work today we're going to try to find somewhere free or cheap we can take her to get checked out. We don't really have any spare cash right now but we want to have her looked over by a vet to make sure she's okay, then we're going to find her a good forever home. I'll try to grab a better photo tonight. We're also trying to think of a funny/cute name for her. I've considered naming her after the famous spy Virginia Hall (or one of her many nicknames) but I honestly prefer goofy names like Meatball or Sushi.
Congrats on your new cat!
Great that you guys were able to collect her and get her off the streets. Check with local SPCA/Humane Society shelters. They often have a low-cost vet clinic associated with them. Make sure she is fixed and do blood work at the minimum to make sure she doesn't have any infections.
Matt Farrah has a 3-legged cat. He named it "Morgan", which is just perfect.
In reply to infinitenexus :
in for $20. message me with your paypal address.
Tom_Spangler said:
Matt Farrah has a 3-legged cat. He named it "Morgan", which is just perfect.
A friend suggested I name her Robin, after the Reliant Robin.
My only fear is that a vet will want to amputate her gimpy leg, and that'll cost a lot. It'll be gofundme time then.
Okay so I just got off the phone with the local SPCA and we have an appointment for 5pm this Saturday to get her checked out. $45 for the initial exam and $25 for a mandatory rabies shot since there's no medical records. So $70 to take care of this little girl isn't too bad. Fingers crossed about the back leg.
We demand pictures of the wonky leg.
I have a short video I put on faceblargh, so I made it public. If you listen closely you can hear her purring loudly. This was late last night, around 11 or so. You can see her little leg dangling at the beginning of the video when she turns around
9/26/19 11:10 a.m.
She's a cutie!
I have room for her if you're anywhere close by...
Might be just a bit of a drive there. I'm in Baltimore, MD.
Cute! I really hope she finds a good home.
9/26/19 3:14 p.m.
infinitenexus said:
Might be just a bit of a drive there. I'm in Baltimore, MD.
If we can get blood across country, we can get an entire cat.
I bet the leg removal surgery would not be that expensive. The cost comes when you "chose" to do pain meds, etc. We support a local clinic that does low cost spay/neuter and whenever we need to have a procedure done on one of our pets they also show two costs, with and without pain meds. Hard to believe some people go that route but I guess some don't have a choice.
I'm sure the shelter vet will give you good advice. I used to do a lot of volunteer work with the local SPCA and the running joke was "What's the best way to get a dog adopted? Remove one of its legs."
She looks like a sweet cat. Obviously owned at some point to be that friendly. If you do any Instagram/Youtube lookup Flatbushcats. They are a 5013C in Brooklyn doing their best to help care for street cats. They have some really good instructional videos on TNR, fostering kittens, etc.
9/26/19 3:25 p.m.
In reply to hobiercr :
Exactly. If it wasn't absolutely buttberkeley out of my way, I'd volunteer to do part of the run.
In reply to hobiercr : thanks for all the info!
So we moved her out of the bathroom and into a spare bedroom so she would have a bit more room. Of course it’s a new room so she was a little on edge for a minute but she relaxed quickly. Here’s a better picture

Here’s a picture of her bad leg. You can see it’s forward some and dangles.

And here’s a close up. From looking at it a bit close up, I’m pretty sure it is in fact an injury. My guess is that her little ankle was crushed pretty badly, so her foot just hangs now. And I think the muscles have contracted or maybe some were torn, because her knee is kinda pulled up a bit all the time. I fully expect the vet to want to amputate. From a quick google, looks like about a grand. You can see there’s some fur missing on her bad leg, and some of the skin is darker and purple. 
And right above the missing fur is where her foot hangs from.
Oh and she has gone pee so that’s a good sign. She hasn’t pooped yet. We gave her some dry food last night and she ate immediately, and drank as well. She hasn’t eaten much today but my wife just gave her some tuna and she wolfed that down, so hopefully she poops so I know that’s all working.
Sweet brown tabby with black/brown field and a white vest! We have 2 of those.

This is BK. Fat & happy. Very feral when we trapped him Didn't let us touch him for 18 months. Now a total love bug. He has kidney issues (gets subcutaneous fluids 3x week), has high blood pressure (2 pills/day) and asthma (inhaler 1/day). We would call him our free BMW but that is reserved for a different cat.

This is Mr Bones. He is a tall drink of water and was all bad skin/fur and bones when we found him. He's polydactyl and FIV+ but actually incredibly healthy now compared to when we found him.
9/26/19 4:27 p.m.
Just throwing it out there, since I don't see it mentioned already, but do please check in with the local animal-control/shelters/vets/craigslist/neighborhood-social-media to look into lost cats reports and report a found cat. Maybe even post a few 'found: gimpy-cat' fliers around the neighborhood it was found in and/or look for 'lost: gimpy cat' fliers there? Also, any vet (including the 24 hour ones) will scan for a microchip on the spot for free. While we've had a mixed success rate with doing all this when we have found animals, as long as it doesn't seem abused I'd much rather return an animal home than re-home it.
Good on you guys for doing the rescue. This is my little recuse buddy:

That was a year ago. He has only a partial tail, and he had some development issues with his intestines. We've spent enough on him to fund my racing for a year. Had him since he was about three days old. Some F&%CK& face let their pit bull kill the mama and eat the rest of the litter. We are pretty sure he survived becasue he was abandoned on a separate part of the yard. Anyway.... he's like 11lbs of the best buddy you could ask for now.
Good luck with your new buddy!