bravenrace wrote:
In reply to AngryCorvair:
Speaking of which, a while back I got a notice from my doc that I was due for one. I called and they said I didn't need one for another 5 years. So what is the interval for a mid-50's male? It had been 6 years since my last one, and I thought the interval was every 5 years. I'm also not inclined to do it sooner then I have to, though!
As a prostate cancer survivor who was diagnosed at the tender age of 46.......y'all stop being a bunch of nancy's and get checked. The finger-bang isn't really the most important part of that -- the PSA blood screen is. If you really cannot stand the 5 seconds for the digital, your doc has hands like Lou Ferrigno, etc., ok then. But at least get the blood draw to see where your PSA numbers are. Get a baseline in your early 40's if possible and get the blood test every year.
If anyone really cares I could start a thread outlining my trip through PCA (and not the good Porsche Club of America!). Spoiler alert: at 3+ years and counting I'm still here. If I didn't get the test done, well, at worst I might not be typing this now....and best case I'd STILL be telling you to get checked and my body would be wracked with cancer. That would be my "there's a bright side to everything" 
Now back to your regularly scheduled thread 
In reply to orphancars:
Sheez, I was just asking about what the standard frequency is.
In reply to bravenrace:
Go ask for the PSA test every year. Around 2012 the US Preventive Services Task Force, in their infinite wisdom, recommended that PSA screenings be done at, I forget, every 3 or 5 years. Prior to 2012, deaths from prostate cancer were in decline due to early detection and treatment. In just 4 years deaths from prostate cancer are on the rise.
Sorry for the perceived militancy on the topic, but seriously, the "zomg! my doctor has his fingerz in my bungholz" stuff gets old. You never hear your wife complaining about her pelvic exam (happens every year) like this, so why should you (collective you here, not you-you).
bravenrace wrote:
In reply to orphancars:
Sheez, I was just asking about what the standard frequency is.
I imagine the frequency is in megahertz.
I lived at home and helped care for my dad while he was dying of prostate cancer. So yeah, the exam is a small price to pay.
FWIW, last time I checked, BCBS wouldn't pay for the PSA.
orphancars wrote:
Sorry for the perceived militancy on the topic.
Don’t apologize, I’m 52 (with two young children) and I haven’t had one done yet so your persistence could have a huge positive effect.
Does anybody have an app of cheesy 70’s pron music I can play during the exam…I don’t do anything half assed you know.
KyAllroad wrote:
RX Reven' wrote:
orphancars wrote:
Sorry for the perceived militancy on the topic.
#I don’t do anything half assed you know#.
Oh, it'll be full assed.
You’re making my amusing (to me at least) comment out to be an inadvertent joke but I’m not going to get annoyed, I’ll just turn the other cheek.
9/16/16 3:48 p.m.
Today a wanna be Al Czervik created an absolutely ginormous wake that ended up splitting a 2"x12" board that formed two of the three attachment points for my floating jetski dock. The good news is that I now know what project I will be working on this weekend.
My doctor for quite a long time is a little Jewish dude, about 5'6" on his tiptoes. He will be retiring fairly soon, so I'm in the market for a new doc. I needed a quick appointment to check out a thing, you know, one of those bulgy things that are just no fun to sit on... Anyway, I got in with a young doc, nice guy, thought maybe he could be the new guy. Then I saw his hands...
Bright side, I've eliminated one guy from a list of possibles.
And relax about the prostate exam. Look at the diameter of your average turd, then check out a big finger...
Streetwiseguy wrote:
My doctor for quite a long time is a little Jewish dude, about 5'6" on his tiptoes. He will be retiring fairly soon, so I'm in the market for a new doc. I needed a quick appointment to check out a thing, you know, one of those bulgy things that are just no fun to sit on... Anyway, I got in with a young doc, nice guy, thought maybe he could be the new guy. Then I saw his hands...
Bright side, I've eliminated one guy from a list of possibles.
And relax about the prostate exam. Look at the diameter of your average turd, then check out a big finger...
While not particularly enjoyable, it's not nearly as terrible an experience as I ASSumed.
I'm planning an outside party for tomorrow. It's supposed to storm.
Bright side is my car port is finally empty, so maybe (yea right) it'll stay that way till construction begins in the spring.
Got the trans back in the s2000, pushed the clutch pedal to make sure everything was functional, slave cylinder popped and puked fluid everywhere.
On the bright side, I get to codrive a nice 350z on Sunday.
KyAllroad wrote:
My brother finally moved out of my basement, yay!!
He no longer pays me rent each month, my budget just took a $400 a month hit. As if things weren't tight
Took an identical budget hit a while back, but on the bright side I don't have to live with my ex anymore! Strangely, my expenses seem to have dropped pretty significantly since then so the $400 hasn't made much of a difference... 
Basil Exposition wrote:
Just remember, if your doctor has both his hands on your shoulders when he does it, you are not the only one enjoying it.
The finger wave is part of flight physicals in the military. Had 20 years of these physicals. There was a flight surgeon years ago that had a sick sense of humor. He had a mannequin hand he would put on one shoulder and his other hand on the other shoulder while doing this part of the exam. That is until one guy turned around and decked him.
Then there was this woman flight surgeon. Swear she used 2 fingers for this part of the exam. 
The best way to have fun at a pooper checkup is, as the doc does the dirty deed, let out a muffled sigh of peasure.
It'll change things for the better (or worse.)
I've been abnormally quiet here the last month, but that's mainly due to the new job.
I went from a decent paying 35hr/wk job to a better paying job that I've been working 50hr/wk in a climate controlled facility......sometimes the job sucks, but it's ground floor of something new with advancement opportunities.
9/18/16 9:03 p.m.
Last night's weather was a perfect end of summer night. Not too warm, a nice breeze keeping the air fresh. The streets were crowded with people enjoying it, along with several street fairs, the Stuben day parade and the start of the San Genaro feast. Thankfully one device left on a busy sidewalk failed to detonate and while the other injured 29 people there were no fatalities. It also failed to dampen the spirits of any of the people I ran into leaving work last night.