curtis73 wrote:
My grandfather used to say (as he patted his pockets before leaving the house) "spectacles testicles wallet and watch."
My FIL used to say this all the time and I had forgotten about it until just now. He passed a few years back. Thanks for bringing back a fond memory. 
I'm not anti gun, I'm as happy to shoot up old cans in the back yard or go shoot paper BinLadens at the range as the next guy. But I cannot imagine ever living somewhere I'd even consider the need to carry daily. If I did I'd move immediately, but I I was walking the streets of Detroit last night so I'm used to feeling safe in my surroundings.
P.S. I'm jealous you have three watches to choose from. The family CFO (SWMBO) deems watches a luxury only to be replaced when dead, not to have choices of. I'm working on the Birthday fairy to spring for a Shinola though. To be fair though, she is ultra low maintenance and I buy more shoes than she does. Jewelry is something she wears maybe half a dozen times a year.
smokindav wrote:
Daily choices
I wear RedKap coveralls about 90% of the time. They carry wallet, SS money clip, S5 phone, LED flashlight, car keys, house/ work keys, pen, cigs n lighter. At work, less wallet and keys they carry multi-tip screwdriver, channelocks, crescent wrench, thread seal tape, tape rule, assorted wrenches and parts and up to a 18" pipe wrench in the back pocket... aluminum of course. I could answer half my calls w/o rolling out my tool cart that way.
Bag the rest of it in w/ used plastic shopping bags. Safety glasses w/ case, phone charger, ID badge and parking permit, drink mixes, snacks, pill container, schedule, unread mail, clean eating utensils, checkbook, magazines and newspaper, and some kinda body spray. Lunch in another shopping bag. Nug stays in the truck.
Really need a classy do-all carry bag instead of lookin' like a bag man, but it works for me.
2/11/17 10:04 a.m.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
I've never felt the need to carry despite spending lots of time in rough parts of New York but in other lines of work I could see it. A friend of mine is a jeweler and routinely carries large quantities of valuables and cash. He is armed and in the last 30 years he's pulled his gun twice to stop would be robbers.
Most men, and women, down here in Texas (and Louisiana where we moved to Houston from) at least have a pistol in the car/truck. Since the castle law is in effect in both states when you are in your vehicle you don't have to have a permit to carry like you did when I used to live in Detroit.
So, I normally carry the pistol to the car, put it in the console and leave it there until I get back home. It's just a tool like a jack, tire iron and spare tire. You don't expect to need it but you have it if you do.
I drive a 10-year old GTI so there's a fair chance I might need the spare tire, or the pistol if I have to walk when the car breaks down. :). I also have a lot to lose and would prefer to be able to defend myself it need arises.
I live in a nice part of Houston but drive 33 miles to work one way and some of the areas I pass through are a bit sketchy. A well dressed white male may be a mark in these areas.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
I'm not anti gun, I'm as happy to shoot up old cans in the back yard or go shoot paper BinLadens at the range as the next guy. But I cannot imagine ever living somewhere I'd even consider the need to carry daily. If I did I'd move immediately, but I I was walking the streets of Detroit last night so I'm used to feeling safe in my surroundings.
P.S. I'm jealous you have three watches to choose from. The family CFO (SWMBO) deems watches a luxury only to be replaced when dead, not to have choices of. I'm working on the Birthday fairy to spring for a Shinola though. To be fair though, she is ultra low maintenance and I buy more shoes than she does. Jewelry is something she wears maybe half a dozen times a year.
smokindav wrote:
Daily choices
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
I'm working on the Birthday fairy to spring for a Shinola though.
If you like how they look, great. But just realize that Shinola's are incredibly overpriced for what you get.
Also, they're not really what they claim...
2/11/17 9:17 p.m.
Late as always, but daily it's just keys, wallet, comb, flashdrive, biz card holder and my phone. But to work and back I've adopted using a Scion-branded small lunch bag from a car show years ago that has a daily planner, thermos of coffee, iPod and some assorted cable and adapters because you never know.
And call me crazy, but even living in the sketchiest areas of northern KY (crack central and border of 4 major gangs apparently) never made me think about having to carry a gun with me to go get takeout food.
Keys, wallet, wizard phone, folding knife (SOG or Benchmade)
Keys (attached to a rock climbing carabiner), wallet, and this guy. Used to carry a knife, but it does almost all the "knife" things I need and then some. Best $4 I've ever spent. Occasionally I'll carry my G26.
2/13/17 10:04 a.m.
I'll have to take pictures of my stuff tonight when I get home from work--I have a work EDC and a non-work EDC.
Does anyone know if anyone makes a tool that has scissors and a serrated knife (or saw), but isn't hugely bulky? I have a Victorinox Huntsman which is pretty good, but it is just a little too fat. I don't need 2 fine blades, a bottle opener, and can opener. I want scissors, and I want a serrated blade (or saw), and I don't want it to be overly bulky. This would be carried in tandem with a Skeletool CX that I've decided I'm going to get after lusting over it for years.
I suppose I could just get a small serrated knife and throw in a Micra, but I'd like to keep it to two tools.
In reply to mtn:
Get the Skeletool serrated and carry some scissors? Or this:

And then a fully serrated Spyderco.
I've carried a Skeletool daily for probably 7 years now. Great little multitool. Fun fact: my CX actually weighs a tiny bit more than the original I had thought I had lost.
There are a few YouTube videos about getting TSA confiscated knife lots on eBay. Things go really cheap.
Wallet, keys, and phone guy here