Why, that was quite amusing!
Am I the only one who wanted to see him get tased?
Any relation to Al Michaels and his Bob Costas friend?

I just showed it to my wife. I laughed again. It's really just stupid. But I love it.
I was laughing at this earlier today. Then I went to the grocery store, guess what song came on Muzak while I was there...
I think he could solve all the crisis's around the world with that sax... 

Am I the only one who thought it was Sacha Cohen? 
i thought it was Gunther...

DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
i thought it was Gunther...
That is what I thought too.
I watched at least five times a week or two back. The management/HR handbook just got a little thicker: How to respond to a persistent, distracting, oddly sexual saxophonist.
I think whenever Bill Clinton played the saxophone, this is how he saw himself in his head.
I was hoping to see that "Freedom" video with all the super models from the 80s and that three-chord chorus, again, and again, and again...