My mailbox story for this year.
My house sits down a long shared driveway. Shared with a 4 unit condo building next door. The condos, which are kinda like an apartment building where you own your apartment get their mail brought into the common hallway where they have mailboxes. For my house, I have typical outdoor mailbox on a post but instead of being out at the roadside, it is at the diveway-side, near my house but convenient for the mailman to not have to get out of the truck. Good for me is that the box is only subject to the driving of the 4 condo residents and ourselves. Not like roadside where subject to the general public.
This winter I come out and see this:

The mailbox is at a unique angle rather than it's usual level position. I touch the box and it immediately does this:

Yes, it appears that the snow plow driver (contracted by the condo association) has backed into the box, just enough to break the internal 4x4 post that is cemented into the ground.

I wrote the landscaper/plow the following email that day...
I'm sad to have to bring it to your attention but in your most recent plowing of (condo building), it appears that your plow driver backed into my neighboring mailbox.
I first noticed my mailbox was cocked backwards but upon closer inspection and actually touching the box, the whole 4x4 treated post is split right at the ground
I have attached pictures.
I'm not coming after you for a whole box, I never liked that ugly box in the 10 years I've lived here. It's a good time to upgrade to a newer box. I understand it is an accident. They don't call things like this "intentionals." I'm sure your driver did not intend to knock over my was an accident.
What I do wonder, considering the business you're in, if you have an auger to dig a hole in the frozen ground of January? Might even be better to wait until warmer weather to do the dig/install. I'd be happy if you could dig me a hole suitable for a 4x4 post that I could then fill with quickcrete. Is that a reasonable request?
I'm researching replacement boxes and temporary fixes today. I just wanted to let you be aware the same day it happened. Pictures attached.
Same day, I bought the cheapest plastic box available ($12 Walmart) and with zip ties, I repurposed an old wire garden trellis.
Promptly, I got a friendly and apologetic reply from the plow co. agreeing to a warmer weather digging of a hole/post. Two days later, my Amazon sourced new box arrived. Considered to be XL, it was the biggest box I could find for this new world of Amazon deliveries in my mailbox. A $90 mailbox but Amazon showed an open box return for just $72 so i jumped on it. Everything is present.